Wednesday, December 1, 2010

November Month End Results/December Goals

November 2010 Results

Twas a tale of two halves this month.  The first half of the month was the same ol' struggling player.  The 2nd half was a complete reversal.  Why?  I got a new coach and unlike the last time I had a coach, I am LISTENING and studying.  I do not think this is a reflection of my past coach -- but a reflection of my willingness to really make an effort taking notes and understanding what was being taught and then following through.  Most importantly, not being stubborn thinking I know what the hell I'm doing. 

So... the results compared to my goals:

[  ]  100,000 hands:  [I only go in 80,785 hands in.  I'm ok with that because I spent more time learning/studying.]
[X ]  Positive winrate.  [For the month:  .72bb/100.  LoL.  After the 15th:  5.56.  That is a huge friggin' difference folks!]
[  ]  Stop looking at your results/graphs.  Seriously dude, don't look at it.  Poker is a long-term game.  No more than 1 time per week, okay?  [Fail.  I looked at it quite a bit.  And it tilted me.  And it frustrated me.  And it got me to invest in another coach which has completely turned things around.  So, I failed the goal, but in the end it helped me.]
[ - ]  Do session reviews at end of 5 of 7 days. [I didn't keep track, but I was pretty close]
[  ] Lose 10 pounds [Ha ha ha ha ha ha]

December 2010 Goals
[  ]  80,000 hands
[  ] Get two more coaching sessions
[  ]  Have a positive winrate
[  ] Take shots at 50NL
[  ] Make Iron Man for 12th consecutive month and earn nice year end bonus.
[  ] Have fun in Disneyworld with the wife and kids. 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 2010 Results / November 2010 Goals

Another month, another struggle for this online dabbler of the unlimited Texas hold ems.  First, let's take a look at my goals vs. what actually happened:

[X ]  Play at least 60,000 hands (I played 116,444 hands)
[ X ]  Watch at least 1 CR video per week
[  ]  Improve Double Barreling.  I'm not sure how to measure this exactly, though.  But want I want to do is to dub when a) I turned more equity (or still have good equity); or b) a scared card hit (scare card based on my opponents range of holdings). (Fail.  I never really paid much attention to it.)
[  ]  Do not look at HEM results or cashier more than 2 times per week. (Huge fail.  I looked at cashier and HEM results constantly.  I really need to
[ / ]  Get to, and stay at NL50 (I almost have enough roll to play there now, but I will prolly start at 25NL mixing in some 50NL. (we'll call this 1/2 accomplished.  I played 27910 hands of 50NL Rush but I stunk.  Getting to 50NL will not be a goal for November.)
[  ]  Read Tommy Angelo's book again. (I did read some excerpts but ended up reading the latest Dexter release instead.)
[ / ]  Study for a minimum of 15 minutes per day -- generally in form of HH review; do at least 1 equity calculation. (I studied a a bit in the form of HH reviews, but didn't do much in the way of equity calcs.)
[  ] Edit:  Whenever I play 50NL+, I will play a maximum of 2 tables.  If I feel like "grinding", I will play 25NL or lower only (As discussed in a previous blog, I dropped the whole maximum of 2 tables.  In the end, I I love mass tabling and playing tons of hands). 

Overall, I ended up for the month thanks to bonuses and rakeback. 

November 2010 Goals:

[  ]  100,000 hands
[  ]  Positive winrate
[  ]  Stop looking at your results/graphs.  Seriously dude, don't look at it.  Poker is a long-term game.  No more than 1 time per week, okay? 
[  ]  Do session reviews at end of 5 of 7 days.
[  ] Lose 10 pounds

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Stats for 2 Table Rush vs. 8 Table Rush

As I discussed in my last post, I have been playing 8 tables of FR Rush lately (4 of one level, 4 of another level). 

Here are the results and stats side by side (sorry about the formatting -- I'm a blogger newb):

                        2 Tables           8 Tables
Hands:              30,615             25011
$                      - 433                +306
Winrate:           -2.95bb/100     +6.82bb/100
VPIP:               13.4                 11.0
PFR:                 11.2                  9.2
3 Bet:                4.0%                2.9%
AF:                   2.33                 2.43
Steal:                39.2%              31.7% 
WTSD:             26.2%              26.1%
W$SD:             54.7%              59.1%
CB Flop:           68.9%              70.2%
CB Flop Win:    50.6%              49.3%
Riv Call Eff:        1.44                3.07
Sets:                   13.1                11.4 

In analyzing the stats, I am obviously playing tighter, stealing less, and 3 betting less.   I am winning more at showdown (makes sense since my starting hands are slightly better).  I am actually hitting less sets.  The biggest difference in stats appears to be my River Call Efficiency.  While this sounds the opposite of what it should, I feel like I am doing a better job with my river play - mostly in that I am not making hero calls on the river.  I think this is mostly because I don't have the time to talk myself into the call.  Instead I am relying on my insticts (based on reads, stats, how the hand went down) to quickly decide if it makes sense to call.  

For now, I will stick with 8 tabling Rush because a) I am winning; and more importantly, b) I am having fun getting tons of hands in.  It remains to be seen if in a few weeks I will be writing to say that I need to play less tables and really "think" about each and every decision.....   

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mid-month update

I promised myself that I would use this blog more often.  It is cool to look back at what I was thinking/doing with poker a year ago.  Man, I was a fish.  Man, I'm still a fish.  :-)

So this month has been difficult thus far.  I really struggled at the start of it with two tabling.  One of my goals was to only play two tables for the month of October.  I have failed that goal, but at least it was a conscious, thoughtful decision.  While two tabling does allow me to concentrate more, it also allows one of my biggest leaks to fester, and that is overthinking.  I am a classic overthinker.  I overthink even the (relatively) smallest of decisions.  When I overthink at a poker table one of two bad things usually happens:  1.  I get FPS thinking he has to be bluffing; or 2.  I fold too much thinking he has to have me beat.  Also, when I take a bad beat it affects me more and I go on tilt more easily.  I guess that's 3 things, lol.  Math skillz FTW.

When I play multi-tables I don't have time to overthink things and I don't tilt as much.  Granted, I am on auto pilot and I am not good enough that auto-piloting will make me a big winner, but it does cut down on a few of my leaks.  I would love to be able to find a coach that could that could devise a strategy that would allow me to just crank out hands because that is one of my favorite things to do.

So anyway, I decided to 8 table rush.  I am playing 25NLFR and 10NLFR and I'm really enjoying it.  I can get in around 1900 hands per hour, which is pretty sweet.  I am stacking the tables and I color-code them so I know which one is which.  I also use TableNinja for FT and that works great and helps lessen the confusion on which table since it auto-puts in bets.

 Anyway, I'm going to play like this for awhile and see what happens.  Like anything else I've tried, I will probably be blogging in a few weeks that I suck at playing that many tables and I need to play less tables to improve.  True story. 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Week 1 of October

has sucked thus far.

It is very depressing.

That is all.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'm Baaack

Wow.  It has been a long friggin' time since I actually wrote a blog.  In fact, the last time I posted results it was for October of 2009 - a whole fucking year!   I'm going to try and take it up again, I guess.

 What is really sad is that in looking back over some of my older entries I realize that I STILL suck at poker.  Well, I wouldn't say I suck, entirely.  I will give my credit for having a solid fundamental understanding of the game.  Unfortunately, with the wealth of poker information out there, that is only good enough to make a player a "meh", break-even player.  I need to step up my game.  And really, to step up my game I need to play less tables.  As easy and simple as that would seem to be, part of the "fun" part of online poker for me is the "grind" which is what a lot of these young poker players dread -- actually having to sit down and just grind away.  But I digress;  since I love to grind and just get hands in, I enjoy multi-tabling to build up hands and stats.  That is great and all, but the bottom line is I am not going to improve my game much by doing that.

I have literally just thought of a plan as I write this:  I will split my time grinding 4 tables of Rush and playing just 2 tables of Rush.  This will allow me to get the best of both worlds.  The next step is figuring out what that mix will be.  I've been doing 30-40 minute sessions with a 10-15 minute break in-between (work permitting).  Perhaps a good mix would be to alternate 4 tables of Rush with 2 tables of Rush each session.  Hmm...  that just might work.

So, here are my "results" for October, 2010:
I played 66K hands and with rakeback and bonus I was up $457.  I did really well playing 25NL fullring rush winning at a  8.19 bb/100 (4.09 BB/100) clip.  But alas, I sucked at 50NL fullring rush, losing at 2.04 bb/100 (1.02 BB/100).  I guess that isn't a hugely bad winning rate.

November 2010 Goals:

I need to come up with some goals, so here goes:
[  ]  Play at least 60,000 hands
[  ]  Watch at least 1 CR video per week
[  ]  Improve Double Barreling.  I'm not sure how to measure this exactly, though.  But want I want to do is to dub when a) I turned more equity (or still have good equity); or b) a scared card hit (scare card based on my opponents range of holdings).
[  ]  Do not look at HEM results or cashier more than 2 times per week.
[  ]  Get to, and stay at NL50 (I almost have enough roll to play there now, but I will prolly start at 25NL mixing in some 50NL.
[  ]  Read Tommy Angelo's book again.
[  ]  Study for a minimum of 15 minutes per day -- generally in form of HH review; do at least 1 equity calculation. 
[  ] Edit:  Whenever I play 50NL+, I will play a maximum of 2 tables.  If I feel like "grinding", I will play 25NL or lower only.

Random crap.
I read Tommy Angelo's book (title is alluding me atm) and I read the Poker Mindset.  Both fantastic books for helping with the mental side of poker.  I have come to the conclusion that a my winrate is taking a HUGE hit from me tilting.  I hope that reading these books (and re-reading them) will help with that.  I need to remember that poker is a long-term game and I must quickly let go of past hands.  If I feel I screwed up or played it wrong it is ok to briefly acknowledge that and make a mental note to review the hand, but then I need to move on.

I have rambled a shit-ton, so ima gunna wrap it up.

Chow peoples!  (and by peoples, I mean me, since I am the only person that will read this!)