Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 2009 Goals

Here are my goals for May 2009:

  • [ ] play 50,000 hands
  • [ ] improve $ won w/out showdown by being more aggressive and taking more b/f lines than c/f or c/c lines
  • [ ] look for spots to steal from the hijack and cutoff spots
  • [ ] Increase VPIP significantly on BTN and CO (40/30 ish, respectively)
  • [ ] reach Ironman status on FTP Ironman
  • [ ] get rolled for, and take shots at, 100NL
  • [ ] watch at least 4 videos at either Stox or CR.
  • [ ] make video for

April 2009 Results

Overall, April was another disappointing month. It was my first "losing" month in 10 months. I quoted "losing" because I was down a whopping -$13, so its really a break-even month when you consider I played nearly 60K hands.

Here are my results compared to my goals for April 2009:

  • [-] play 60,000 hands. I played 58K hands.
  • [ ] improve $ won w/out showdown by being more aggressive and taking more b/f lines than c/f or c/c lines. Nope. Still pretty pathetic. I'm still seeing way too many showdowns and I believe its because I take too many pot control lines.
  • [ ] look for spots to steal from the hijack and cutoff spots. Nope. Still only stealing from the CO @ 27-28%. No improvement.
  • [ ] reach Platinum again at Stars and reach at least Gold Ironman status on FTP (not sure this is possible with 60k hands. If its not, need to decide where I'm going to put the majority of my volume -- I miss rakeback!!) Nope. Made silver and Ironman ironman status. I will be playing a major majority of my hands at FT this month.
  • [X] get rolled for, and take shots at, 100NL. Yes! I got rolled for it and played some towards the end of the month. Unfortunately, I hit a 5 buyin day towards the end of the month and am no longer rolled for 100NL.
  • [X ] watch at least 4 videos at either Stox or CR. Yep. Did that.
  • [ ] make video for Nope. But I did make several attempts, none of which turned out particularly well so I did not publish them.
Detailed April 2009 Results:
As I said earlier, it was a pretty disappointing month. I just never could get things going and dropped 5 buyins at NL100 and 2 buyins at NL50 over the last 2.5K hands of the month. YUCK! If you remove those last 2 days, and it would have been a decent month.

Hands: 49,134
P&L: -$103.25
BB/100: -0.21
ATS: 37.8%

Hands: 9,350
P&L: -$207.05 (+392.10 prior to Apr 30)
BB/100: -1.11 (+2.42 prior to Apr 30)
ATS: 39.1