Thursday, December 6, 2007

December Goals; Back to Pokerstars

December Goals:

ptBB: 3.0
VPIP: 12% (by opening up from LP)
PFR: 7% (by raising more from LP)
W$WSF (Won $ when saw flop): <30%

When I look at peoples stats on 2+2 and other forums, it seems my W$WSF is low. This really confuses me because I am such a nit. I wonder if my nittiness is causing this - i.e., maybe I should be more aggressive with non-nut hands and strong draws and not fold so much. My win $ as showdown is pretty high, so I'm thinking I'm folding too much on the flop and turn and maybe folding the best hand too often. Of course, I'm not even sure that W$WSF is even a number I should be concerned about. I'll see how it goes and see if that correlates with an increase in my ptBB/100. If anyone has any ideas of what a good number should be, please feel free to comment.

I read that PS Frequent Player Points (FPPs) are actually worth more than getting rakeback at Full Tilt. So I decided to put some money back in PS and see how it works out. I'm going to 4 table .25NL/PL severely underrolled with only $200. I'm not worried about going busto as its a very small portion of my overall bankroll (plus I'm confident I can beat .25NL/PL -just have to avoid variance). If I go busto, so be it.

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