Thursday, January 1, 2009

December Results; Poker Coaching

December Results:

I played a total of 61,115 hands @1.84 ptBB/100. The majority of my hands were at NL100FR and NL50FR.

Overall, it was a really good month. In fact, it was my biggest month of my poker "career" and I broke $2,000 for the first time. My total profit for the month was +$2,255.09 with rakeback.

Hands: 42,181
Profit/Loss: +1,500.40
ptBB/100: +1.78

Hands: 13,893
Profit/Loss: +441.10
ptBB/100: +3.17

I took a shot at NL200FR and had a set over set which contributed to losing $282.10 in just 90 hands. After that, I withdrew money to keep me from being tempted from playing NL200FR.

After several (gulp) years playing between NL50 and NL100, I went and got me a coach. Splitsuit ("SS") (a poo-bah at started doing some full ring coaching videos at stoxpoker. I thought he was really good so I checked out his website and learned he does coaching. After a few email exchanges, I decided to do his Leakfinder session where mpethybridge (twoplustwo mod and stats guru) analyzed my stats and then I had a coaching session with SS. Both sessions went very well and I plan on taking more coaching sessions with SS. I'm very excited that I'll get over the hump and start improving vs. playing my same ol' break-even poker.

In the 2000 hands since my first lesson, I'm running at +13.84 ptBB/100 (yes, way too small a sample size and a lot of its probably due to variance, but just the small things I'm doing as a result of coaching is helping).

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