Thursday, January 1, 2009

2008 Results; 2009 Goals

2008 Results:

Unfortunately, my old laptop died and I lost a big portion of my database so I don't have much in the way of specific stats. My goal was to make $12,000 in 2008. I didn't make it but I did make a fair amount from poker in 2008: +$8,398.34. Unfortunately, a large chunk of this was due to rakeback and bonuses. I made $4,395 in rakeback in 2008.

Here is my breakdown by month:
Jan: + 976.04
Feb: - 568.60
Mar: +570.99
Apr: + 1,322.81
May: +68.71
Jun: -1,307.59
Jul: +1,768.78
Aug: +1,073.47
Sep: +1,440.48
Oct: +495.14
Nov: +303.02
Dec: +2255.09

2009 Goals:
Its probably odd considering I failed meeting my goal of $12,000 for poker in 2008, but in 2009 my goal is to make $20,000 from poker. I think if I can get enough hands in, this goal is attainable.

More important than the monetary goals, I want to be at least a 3ptBB/100 and whatever I'm playing for a significant sample of hands.

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