Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 Results

2010.  Goodbye. 

Ha.  Yeah, 2010 wasn't one of my best years for the pokerz.  The good news is that at the end of the day I was a winner (thank you very much Rakeback and Bonuses).  As far as the actual poker playing goes, I was a slight loser -- my "winrate" (or should I say "lose" rate) was -0.92 bb/100. 

Volume:  was good.  I played over 1 million hands of online poker.  That does not include any SNG's our MTT tournaments I played. 

December was also kind of a "meh" month.  I felt that I played fairly well, but my blue line (win/loss at showdown) was flat for the last 30k hands.  Some of that was bad luck but a lot of it was making a lot of bad river calls and getting it AI when quite frankly I shouldn't have been. 

2011.  Welcome my friend.  I look forward to being successful with you. 

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