Saturday, October 31, 2009

October 2009 Results

October was a pretty decent month for me.  Overall, I ended up +1,172 for the month -- my first +1k month since January (eeks!).  I am about 15.6K behind my monetary goal for the year which is going to make it impossible to reach.  I'm behind last year's total by $4K so even beating that is extremely unlikely, although that is my new, short term goal. 

Here is specific results:
Hands:  38,047
bb/100: 4.23
Profit: $804.30

Hands: 14,586
bb/100: 0.07
Profit:  $9.90

Hands: 3,063
Profit:  - 71.74

Next month I hope to put most of my volume in at NL100.  In talking to my coach at the end of September, it would appear I've sealed a major leak (lack of cbetting).  I have noticed that since my move to NL100 that I've been playing a little more timid than I would like so I'd like to open up a bit more -- especially from the C/O.  I need to make sure I cbet when I steal nearly every time and I need to find more spots to double barrel. 

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