Monday, December 31, 2007

December 07 Results; Year End Results

After a horrible start, and a horrible start to the last week of December, I roared back from being -975 down on December 27th, to being only -159 down by December 31. My stats for those 5 days for 50NL were:

Hands: 8901
P&L: +520.60
ptBB/100: 5.85
VPIP%: 12.22 (I've been at 10%)
PFR%: 6.39

December 2007 Results:
Hands: 40,170
P&L: +289.80
ptBB/100: 0.72 (woot woot!)
VPIP: 11.31
PFR%: 5.5

Others: (100NL, 30NL (deep stack), PL50, PL50 (6max), PL25, NL25)
Hands: 20,711
P&L: - 448.80

Total P&L with rakeback: $306.50

Lessons learned this month: 1. Increasing VPIP and PFR from late position seems to be working (although its a small sample). 2. Stop playing 6max and PL and at Pokerstars (lost 268 at Stars and have had 7 consecutive losing months - granted, most were small, but still - PS and I don't get along).

2007 Results:
P&L: 4372.85 (of that, about 2400 was rakeback. I LOVE rakeback!)

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