Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mid-month update; Variety is the Spice of Life

Alright, so here's where I am through November 18:

Hands: 23,389
Profit/Loss: +$541
PTbb/100: 2.32

Hands: 10,438
Profit/Loss: +174.75
PTbb/100: 0.84 (hey, at least its positive!)

I've decided I'm not going to play NL100 until I get my bankroll at FT up over $3.3K (at $2,800) or next month, whichever is sooner but I can't move up unless I learn to fold when I'm obviously beat. I know that this is a huge leak, yet I continually do it and I believe its the reason I'm struggling so much an NL100 (I get away with making dumb calls at NL50 and it hurts the roll far less when I don't get away with it). Until I learn to plug this leak, I really shouldn't move up, despite having the BR.

Variety is the spice of life....
I keep reading that you should learn to play other poker games and with my struggles with NLHE, I thought I'd give Omaha a try, so I sat down at Omaha Hi PL10 table (no way am I ready for the PLOH/L game), where I was the biggest fish. About the only thing I knew about the game was that you get 4 downcards and the community cards play out like HE.l I didn't even know that you had to play exactly 3 community cards and 2 hole cards. After losing a couple of hands trying to use 4 board cards I thought I ought to at least look at the rules, lol.

I've come to realize that these games are pretty soft but I need to read some books/strategy posts and get up to speed a bit but I do find the games fun and I like the variety. Its also fun to donk around with only 10 bucks on the line. I may invest in PokerTracker for Omaha once the new PT comes out (dont' think I want to invest in it yet only to go and get the new version).

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